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Graduation Day 2021

Graduation Day 2021

Graduation Day 2021

We are so impressed and blown away how far our amazing students came in just 4 months on our course. 

Starting with not knowing how to handle a knife to being at a level that the Hospitality Industry would be blown away with and would employ these amazing young adults! Graduation day was filled with tears and joy. 

Here is what the Parents had to say:

Andrea Goldberg testimonial (Parent): 

Nick and Steve from Signature Hospitality took on 4 sets of overprotective parents of special needs young adults without having met us or our kids. They said "bring it on" and we did! It is hard to describe the transformation our young adults have gone through this year through the Life After School programme co-ordinated by Rowan Banks and largely facilitated by the skills of Nicholas and Steven from Signature Hospitality. They have not accepted "disability", but have created ability, they have not accepted "I can't", but pushed for "Wow, I did that!" They have demanded the best and got it from our children and in so doing have turned them all into able and capable young people who can enter the world of work with confidence and skills. They have bonded as a team and supported each other through this journey, making their parents and their mentors at Signature Hospitality incredibly proud. We look forward to their future endeavors!

Tania testimonial (Parent):

After years of battling epilepsy and dysexecutive syndrome, little did we know that all our son needed was the kindness and patience of Signature Hospitality. Jude has learnt soo many skills in an industry that he loves , that not many have had the patience to teach him. Judes' love for making the perfect cup of coffee has been nurtured into launching his own brand of coffee with the help of Nick , Steve and Associates. We have been blessed with the inspiration and assistance to teach our young adult skills of how to flourish in the Hospitality industry thanks to Signature Hospitality. We would highly recommend them as a safe space for anyone wanting to start or grow in the business


Alan & Lyn testimonial (Parents) :

We cannot thank Nick, Steven and Signature Hospitality enough for everything they have done for Kelly and her friends over the last 6 months.

We started this journey with great trepidation and many doubts. We were certain that Kelly would not benefit from the programme they had on offer. How wrong were we!!

Kelly has thrived, she has grown and matured, she has learnt so many valuable life lessons, that we as adults take for granted. She is a fundi at her knife skills, she takes the time to cook us a home cooked meal each week....delicious to say the least. She is able to pair wines and beers with meals and is always keen to impart her knowledge with us and her other family members on all she had learnt.

Whilst we were weary, we realized soon enough that the programme Signature Hospitality had to offer was benefiting her on a grander scale than we thought was possible

Having a young adult with ”learning disabilities” did not deter Nick and Steven. They were the ones who saw the ”ability” in each student. They taught, encouraged, praised and treated their students with respect.

They understood their issues and

embraced them, they worked with their strengths and weaknesses to bring out the best in each student.

We have seen a more mature young lady evolve and become excited about her kitchen and all it could offer her in her future. 

We now wait for the last leg of the course which ends with a market day. All her family and friends will be there to support her and Signature Hospitality as they wrap up the 6 month course, which has been an invaluable lesson for us as a family.


Wishing you and yours all the best for your future endeavours. You can and will only continue to grow from strength to strength. We will certainly miss you.

Alan, Lyn and Kelly Makinson


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