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The Signature Smoked Al Fredo Recipe

The Signature Smoked Al Fredo Recipe

Designed by Our Signature Chef

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500gr thick cut signature smoked bacon, cut into 3cm cubes *

1 large onion, finely diced
3 cloves of garlic, crushed or 2 teaspoons crushed garlic
250gr wild mushrooms, sliced
125ml white wine
300ml cream
2 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons finely chopped parsley
Black pepper & salt to taste
1/3 cup finely grated parmasan/Pecorino Romano cheese
1/3 cup grated mozarello cheese
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 pack pasta of your choice (Ideally tagliatelle or linguine)

Method :

In a medium to large pan, over medium heat, saute the bacon, stirring frequently to release as much fat as possible and crisp up the bacon.
Remove bacon from pan, keeping as much rendered fat in pan as possible.
Add chopped onions and saute over medium heat until translucent.
Turn heat up higher, add mushrooms & garlic and fry continuously for approximately 2min, stirring frequently.
Add white wine to deglaze pan, scrapping all sediments from bottom of pan.
Reduce liquid by half, then add cream and turn heat down to simmer, stirring continuously.

At this point start cooking your pasta as per instructions on packet.

Allow sauce mixture to thicken slightly (consistency of pouring cream)
Add fried bacon to mixture, stir through and allow to simmer on low for 3min.

Strain pasta, toss lightly with a little bit of olive oil, half of parmasan cheese & 1 tablespoon of the parsley.

Before serving sauce, remove from heat, stir in remaining parmasan cheese, all the mozarello and stir through. Also add remaining
chopped parsley and check for seasoning.

Dish pasta on plate with sauce on top, serve immediately.

Side notes:

  • Bacon can be substituted with quality thick cut smoked pork rashers or belly pork.
  • For extra luxurious velvety texture, serve each plate of pasta, garnished with a raw egg yolk on top, Alfredo style and extra parmesan with a drizzle of basil pesto..